To create global environmental awareness English Club of Global Law Thinkers Society (GLTS) is organizing an International conference "ENGLISH FOR ENVIRONMENT" on Topic "REVAMPING THE DISPLACED LANDSCAPES OF NATURE" with a Slogan: “The Greener the Earth, The Healthier The Life "
Global Law Thinkers Society, GLTS is a World Record Holder Organization with a mission and vision of making the World Greenery. After the advent of Globalization, the world is undergoing so many paradigmatic shifts and it causes great havoc to sustainable development. Human Beings should not think that they are the crown of all creations created by God. Restoring Mother Earth is the Universal Call and GLTS strives in restoring Mother Earth through its wings. Making the Unknown as Known is the prime factor of this Summit. The Intellectual Academic Fest on Ecology will be foregrounded in this Summit. Land and Landscapes play an important role in contemporary times. Space and Survival are contemporary issues that highlight the Contrapuntal view of the World. This International Summit will be of healthy interactive sessions and it will make people think proactive and take actions to create a better world.
All the funds will be collected from the conference will be donated for Tree Plantation.
A Digital Magazine with a Report on the Session will be published after the Conference.

Our Valuable partners

Donate for a tree and join the conference
Participants opportunities

Register Participants will receive Participation Digital Certificate. They also can collect Hard copy with a Fee.

Free club Membership
As a Participant you will get free membership for one year in the club.

Be part of Digital Magazine
After the conference get over we will publish a digital magazine. As a participant your picture and name will be there. This magazine will promote globally.

Meet like minded people from around the world. Create your network with GLTS in 106 Countries.

You as individual or our organization/company/institute can be the Partner of this conference and get international Promotion.

Global Promotion
Through the event your voice will be heard globally. You can share your thoughts, ideas and activities in the conference. You also can be part of a social cause.
Chief guest
Director (Admin)
Department of Environment, Head Quarter
Government of the People’s Republic of Bangladesh

Member, Jubo BAPA PC (Bangladesh Poribesh Andolon), Environmental Activist, Communications Officer at Waterkeepers Bangladesh

From Panama
Climate Change and Energy Conservation and Emission Reduction for Developing Countries Certified from Beijing, China, Educationist, ESL Teacher of Universidad de Panamá – Página Official
Host & Moderator
From India
GLTS English Club Chief Leader,
PhD Scholar ( FT), Research Department of English, Bishop Heber College ( Autonomous), Tiruchirappalli, Tamilnadu.

Round Table Speakers

Dr. Patrycja Austin
Assistant Professor of English, The Institute of Neophilology, University of Rzeszow

Executive Director; Foundation for Environmental Rights, Advocacy & Development (FENRAD Nigeria) Founder Environmental WATCH

WONNE Afronelly
Initiator “MyEnvironment MyWealth”, ECOCENTRIC Tutor

Dr. S. Sobana
Head & Associate Professor of English, Dean of Arts, Bishop Heber College ( Autonomous), Tiruchirapalli

Touhida Sultana
Lecturer, Department of English, Leading University

Annisa Erou
Coordinator of Environmental Education Event (EEE)

Desmond Alugnoa
Co-Founder of the Green Africa Youth Organization (GAYO) and the Program Coordinator for the Global Alliance for Incinerator Alternatives (GAIA). He is a youth leader with focus on Community Empowerment and Rural Innovation.

Abimbola Abikoye
Climate Action Activist and Founder, Revamp Rave Network

Dr. S. Veeramani
Assistant Professor & Research Advisor & Head , Department of English, Government Arts and Science College, Lalgaudi
Date : 22 December 2021 I Wednesday I Time : 6 PM - 9.00 PM
Place: Zoom [Link will be provided in the WhatsApp Group]
5.45PM - 6.00 PM : Gate open for Entry
6.00 PM : Program Announcement
6.10 PM-6.30PM : Opening Ceremony
6.40 PM : Speakers Introduction
6.45 -8-20 PM: Round Table Session with Participants
8.20-8.50 PM : Cultural Presentation
8.50 PM : Global Oath for Restoration of Green Environment, Certificate Giving Ceremony & Closing
9.00 PM : Group Picture & End.
Frequently asked questions
GLTS English Club is an international network to exchange Knowledge, culture, skill and learning platform to develop and empower you. This club is not only for promotion for Literature and Language whereas it is for ESP (English for Social Purposes). This club organizes conferences and other international activities digitally and offline.
You can Pay the donation (For Tree Plantation) Based on Your Country:
Bangladeshi : Bikash No. +8801978922279
Other Countries:
To collect hard copy of certificate contact the office Coordinator Number: +8801755991488. To collect Hard copy you have to pay a certain amount of fee and postal expenses.
You have to email showing interest of joining and attach your CV. Email: joinglts@gmail.com, Whatsapp: +8801755991488
For any Query Email to virtualyouthsummit@gmail.com Contact Us: +8801755991488 (WhatsApp)
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